If we look around in our natural environment, we will see many young shoots sprouting forth, but not much more. These young shoots have an astringent effect on the tongue and therefore on the body generally. And, we say in Ayurveda that a dominant astringent taste in foods, makes those foods drying and reducing in nature. These are the foods that can help remove excess weight, and congestion whether in the respiratory system, lymphatics or gut. This is the season to go and forage for those fresh Cleavers shoots and to make an infusion with the leaves and stalks.. We do need to take care with young shoots, however. Some can be cooling. And Spring is a Kapha season and Kapha is already cool. If Kapha increases in teh environment, then it increases in us also. So we definitely want warming foods at this time of year, both in temperature and in energetic quality. (Think the difference between a pioece of fresh root ginger on your tongue, compared to a slice of banana: one is heating, one is cooling!). And so we combat the cool nature of the season with warming foods.
Enjoy fresh young greens at this time of year but cook them. Make an infusion of them, by steeping them in water and drinking warm. (You can do the same with nettles once the young shoots start to appear: powerrful blood cleansers!)
What our ancestors would also have also turned during these months, would be roots. Roots such as dandelion root, burdock root, barberry root and turmeric root all have a “scraping” quality. They “scrape” the channels of our body where sticky “ama” (toxicity) has accumulated, impacting optimal functioning of the body systems. They have a bitter taste which is also reducing and clearing, and which will stimulate the all-important liver function.
Please CONTACT ME for some of my herbal Spring Detox formula, made up of these herb roots and more! It will clean toxins from your deeper tissues so they can be released into the gut for elimination. This can leave you feeling less achey, sluggish and fatigued, and give you the energy you want to enjoy the lovely Spring and Summer months ahead!
As Spring is a Kapha season and Kapha by nature is cooling, this is the season to be opting not only for warming and warm foods, but also for pungent spices and vegetables. As Kapha also holds water and is sluggish in nature, it tends toward congestion and stickiness (for example in the respiratory tract and sinuses). This means that not only are those astringent young leaves and other astringent foods ideal at this time of year, pungent foods will also help cleanse, warm and lighten the body. Think leeks, ginger, turmeric, chilli (in moderation for Vata types and probably best avoided by Pitta types, unless you have Kapha in your constitution also)
The bitter taste is also ideal at this time of year. Fill half your plate with cooked dark leafy greens such as kale, chard, Spring greens and watercress. Try my Sauteed Seasonal Greens recipe.