I’ve talked for a while about beginning a course of study on the Raja Yoga Sutras of Patanjali. (Sutra means thread, and is an aphorism). We did dive into the text in the morning classes during the pandemic lockdowns, and at the request of a few students we will resume study of this incredible Yoga text this coming week.
Raja Yoga is the “Royal Yoga”, the pathway to the highest state of consciousness which is the ultimate goal of all Yogas. The Yoga Sutras of Patanjali is the classical text of Raja Yoga and is the text turned to in many teacher trainings and by many serious students of Yoga. Hatha Yoga is intended to lead us to Raja Yoga. It is in a way a preparatory stage of practice.
The Hatha Yoga Pradipika, one of the classical texts of Hatha Yoga tells us in the beginning:
“Salutation to adinatha (Siva) who expounded the knowledge of Hatha Yoga, which like a staircase leads the aspirant to the high pinnacled Raja Yoga. Yogin Swatmarama, after saluting his Guru Srinatha explains Hatha Yoga for the attainment of Raja Yoga. Owing to the darkness arising from the multiplicity of opinions people are unable to know the Raja Yoga. Compassionate Swatmarama composes the Hatha Yoga Pradipika like a torch to dispel it.
Asanas, various Kumbhakas, and other divine means, all should be practiced in the practice of Hatha Yoga, till the fruit of Raja Yoga is obtained”.
Later in the Hatha Yoga Pradipka, Hatha and Raja Yoga are said to be like night and day to each other, one supporting the other. If we think about it, the two channels of Ida and pingala, running to the right and left sides of the central channel sushumna (which runs where the physical spine is) are the “Ha” (Sun or Prana channel) and “Tha” (the Moon or Mind channel) of Ha-tha Yoga, . Likewise, Hatha is primarily a pranic practice and Raja Yoga is the practice which guides to affect consciousness via the mind. The two can go hand in hand, all the way along our Yoga path, the one guiding the other.
This text therefore is an invaluable study for deepening and enriching your Yoga practice and understanding of the essential goal of all practices. As we are guided by Patanjali towards a greater understanding of the mind, it’s tendencies, the causes of suffering and methods to transmute and transcend, it is also a fantastic text for bringing greater awareness to your wider life. The nearly 200 aphroisms which make up the Yoga Sutras in four chapters of “Padas” (feet), take us into the heart and soul of Yoga.
We will follow Patanjali as he guides us to approach Yoga as it is essentially is: a way of seeing the nature of this universe, and of understanding the workings of our minds and the nature of our consciousness. The Sutras provide us with a pathway back to our essential self, to our own true essence.
The sessions will take place on Saturday mornings from approx 10.30 – 11.30 and will be available in person at Norton Lindsey village Hall CV35 8JL or via Zoom. Recordings will also be available if you can’t make the live sessions.
There will often be self-enquiry practices, meditations and breath practices to enjoy in the days between classes, directed by the Sutras being studied in any week.
Times are hard for many of us and I want this course to be available to all. And so I am offering a sliding scale for this course. Please pay what you can afford. And if you can afford a little more, that can help to pay for someone else. 🙂
£10, £15 or £20/session and we are likely to take 12 sesssions to cover the first chapter of 51 Sutras.
If you can’t afford to pay anything at the moment but would like to attend the course, PLEASE let me know.
Click the button below for contact info to book a place.
With love and best wishes
Sara Shama
PS! Look out for my podcast coming soon – Tea With Patanjali, monthly seasonal Ayurveda infusions for you to make at home or purchase from me, plus short reflections on individual Sutras of Maharishi (Great Sage) Patanjali. (