Ekadashi falls on the 11th day after the new and full moon times. In the waxing period the moon is 3/4 of the way to full, and in the waning period it is 3/4 of the way to dark.
It is traditionally held to be a good time to turn the energies inwards for spiritual progression.
Fasting is very much a part of this turning inwards and is a recognised spiritual practice.
And fasting has many health giving side-benefits! It gives our over-taxed digestive systems a much needed rest. As the digestion gets a break from having to process newly ingested foods, the energy usually used for this can be given to breaking down accumulated wastes and preparing them for elimination.
Toxins can be eliminated which deplete the digestive force, and our digestive fire gets a little reboot.
Taking time out to support digestive function is really worthwhile if you want to take care of your future health. The digestion is widely acknowledged to be the seat of good health, right?
Ayurveda recommends that we fast for short periods of time to support our health and longevity. It does not really advocate long periods of fasting. And it is important to fast according to our Ayurveda type.
Ayurveda recommends regular short fasting as follows:
VATA: 1/2 day every fortnight
PITTA: 1 day every fortnight
KAPHA: 1 day every week
At seasonal junctures, longer fasting for 3 days on monodiets (see some ideas below) is recommended as a great digestive reset.
Longer cleanse & rejuvenation programmes can be undertaken with professional guidance.
Please see the links below for our 1-1 and group Ayurveda Rejuvenation Programmes.
Kapha can tolerate a water fast for a day, but Vata and Pitta are advised to eat lightly and according to the level of activities they are involved in.
Cold juice and raw food fasts are not recommended in Ayurveda. These diminish the digestive fire we are trying to rekindle.
Stay with light cooked foods and warming herb teas. Seasonal vegetable broths are great, with digestion enhancing spices like coriander, cumin, and ginger.
Soft-cooked rice and lentil dishes are also good options, such as
It is best if you can rest and reduce activities on the day of fasting. Ideally, you will turn to the traditional theme of Ekadashi and be able to put aside time for spiritual practice, to reset heart and mind as well as the digestive system.
I like to take Ekadashi as a natural date in the calendar which can serve as a reminder to me to give my digestive system a regular rest and support my ongoing health and longevity.
Why not give it a try too?
Find a lunar calendar and calculate the 11th days after new and full moon time, or download a list of Ekadashi dates in 2023. There are lists available online.
OR, find out about our 1-1 Ayurveda Rejuventation Programmes, and group Ayurveda Rejuvenation Retreat Programmes for an all-round and in-depth body-mind reset!
You can book a call to have a chat about it too. People are having great results on these programmes, with reduction of symptoms and increase of energy, plus greater physical and mental-emotional well-being.