Licorice – a taste we tend to either love or hate. Fortunately, I have always loved this herb…the sticky, black sweet variety as a child, chewing on licorice sticks, liquorice flavoured teas. And since discovering the blessings of Ayurveda and my Ayurveda type, it is a herb I regularly turn to.
This is a fantastic herb to turn to at this time of year, particularly if you have Vata dosha or Pitta dosha in your Ayurveda type, and also for it’s therapeutic actions on the respiratory system as we move into the coughs and colds season.
Additionally, without wanting to plant any pre-emptory seeds (!), another Winter of strong viruses is predicted. We cannot vaccinate against them all, but what we can do is to take care of our immunity and possibly (depending on your Ayurveda type), Licorice could be one herb to help keep your immunity and respiratory system strong….of course, alongside a balanced lifestyle and diet appropriate for the season and your Ayurveda type.
Here are the benefits of licorice and it’s effects on the doshas.
If you buy licorice root powder, look for organic and look for a reputable herbal supplier.
Effect on Doshas:
Reduces Vata and Pitta.
Increases Kapha.
This wonderful, versatile herb is soothing to the mucosal linings, anti-viral, anti-inflammatory, an immunostimulant, and strengthening. It is sweet to the taste and has a harmonising action on the body. It can also help to promote peace of mind, having a sedative action. And it is a wonderful herb to add to a warming tea during the cold months ahead to relieve any dry cough or hoarseness.
It does have contraindications, so be sure to check with an Ayurveda or other health care practitioner to check if it is right for you.
In spite of the ready availability of herbs over-the counter and all the information about their uses online, it is always best not to self-prescribe. According to the time of year, your Ayurveda type, your current symptoms, a herb may or may not be appropriate for you. Plus, a qualified practitioner can advise you how best to take the herb, with what substance, at what times of day/night, and the best dosage for you.
At Heart of Ayurveda, following a consultation, we will always advise in this way. Firstly, we take an in-depth investigation into your Ayurveda type, symptoms and their root causes, and from findings we create your very own personalised herbal formula. Plus, we will advise precisely when, how and at what dosage to take the herbs and how to support their therapeutic action with lifestyle and dietary adjustments.
To find out about our Ayurveda Consultations, please click the button below or book a free 15 minute chat with Sara in a Discovery Call.