I love this herb and it’s potential to heal not only the body but also the mind. It is one I turn to regularly in times of stress. And it is a herb that has had much research both in India and the USA. A quick Google will reveal some in-depth studies for you.
The name points towards just how far it is revered for it’s potency. The word Brahmi has the same root source as Brahman, which is the supreme consciousness underpinning this reality. And also Brahman has the same root as the name for the priestly caste in India, the Brahmins.
This gives you a clue perhaps as to the esteem within which this herb is held: so much so that it is even given a name of the Absolute.
The leaves of this plant are small and bright green as can you see above, and it has small white flowers. It grows on marshy land.
It has poweful effects on the brain, central nervous system and the mind, and has been proven to be beneficial for psychiatric illnesses of various kinds,without having any of the toxic side effects of many psychiatric drugs being prescribed currently. I mentioned it to a psychiatrist a few years back. He’s working in the NHS. His reply to me: “There’s no money in it. It will never be taken on board.”
I guess we all know that is where we are at in our health care system. And it’s a travesty as mental health professionals struggle often to find the answers and prescribe safely and correctly. \And meanwhile thousands suffere the debilitating effects of strong medications.
The mind is such an unknown phenomenon to us, isn’t it? We can dissect the brain, and we can analyze it’s parts and it’s biochemistry. However, we cannot dissect the mind. And yet it is at the root of many of our ailments and many more these days are suffering, aren’t they, with mental health conditions? Pharmaceutical medications act on the mind. Herbs in their whole form such like Brahmi can do much to bring the mind into a balance.
When I did my Ayurveda herbal training, I was asked to write a paper following an in depth study of a local herb. The requirement was to choose a herb not yet studied from an Ayurveda perspective in the available texts and books. It meant entering into a very close relationship with this herb, from it’s early growing stages, to it’s maturity in it’s flowering season. We were told that this project would change the way we look at herbs and plant medicine. And it really did. I soon became aware that the plants we use for medicine have a consciousness. They know how to act on a certain body system, and in this case, on the mind to restore equilbirum, and to exact an energetic and transformational effect on our bodies and minds. And in the case of Brahmi, these capacities of the plant may not explained by the biochemistry of the plant.
We call this the “prabhava” of a plant. Not all plants have this but Brahmi does. These are the superpower herbs of Ayurveda.
And so Brahmi reaches beyond the body to impact the mind, and beyond the brain to positively affect numerous body systems.
Here are seven Ayurveda benefits of Brahmi (Bacopa monieri):
It is also used in cosmetic products as it is said to reduce wrinkles and prevent early greying.
By the way, there is another herb often referred to as Brahmi, Latin name Centella asiatica. Here I refer to the Bacopa monnieri genus.
Please take Brahmi under the guidance of a practitioner, to make sure dosage and the way you take it is appropriate for your condition and Ayurveda type.
Large doses may be toxic.
It is not recommended to take during pregnancy and has a possible effect on thyroid.
If Brahmi interests you, and you’d like to know if this and other herbs might help you, why not book a 15 minute chat with me? Let’s find Ayurveda side-effect free solutions for your stress, memory, and other brain-related conditions (or any condition at all), please click the button below.
Ayurveda has herbs which can work to support your digestion and elimination, balance your hormones, reduce menopausal symptoms, help nervous system and respiratory system conditions, migraines, skin complaints and much more.