According to the Vedas, women should be accorded the highest status.
Ayurveda therefore gives plenty importance to the health of women through different stages and transitions of their life. It pays attention to their body, mind and soul, guiding women to move through all stages of life gracefully, radiantly and powerfully.
And Ayurveda teaches us not only about the female body and how to nourish and strengthen it, but also the feminine spirit and how to nurture and evolve with it for your ultimate flowering.
The Ayurveda Woman Day Retreat is an immersion into the teachings of Ayurveda on the feminine spirit.
For this day, we will be living all that Ayurveda teaches us about embracing and living from our feminine essence, and the natural strength, grace and beauty in that. And we will be experiencing this in gentle community with other women as we hold space for each other to soothe and heal our whole being.
For further details and to reserve your place on the next Ayurveda Woman Day Retreat, please click the button below.
According to the Vedas, women should be accorded the highest status.
Ayurveda therefore gives plenty importance to the health of women through different stages and transitions of their life. It pays attention to their body, mind and soul, guiding women to move through all stages of life gracefully, radiantly and powerfully.
And Ayurveda teaches us not only about the female body and how to nourish and strengthen it, but also the feminine spirit and how to nurture and evolve with it for your ultimate flowering.
The Ayurveda Woman Day Retreat is an immersion into the teachings of Ayurveda on the feminine spirit.
For this day, we will be living all that Ayurveda teaches us about embracing and living from our feminine essence, and the natural strength, grace and beauty in that. And we will be experiencing this in gentle community with other women as we hold space for each other to soothe and heal our whole being.
We will be looking at a feminine approach to spirituality, embodied and enrichingly deep in it’s connection to Mother Nature and her cycles and rhythms.
There will be mostly practical elements to this day, with minimal theory to back up the understanding of the practices.
A feminine approach to Hatha Yoga with heart-nurturing posture, breath and sound practices, leading to an embodied guided meditation.
Inner enquiry, sharing, sacred chant in circle together, plus guest sacred drumming to deepen the healing experience of the day.
We will nurture each other with guided Ayurveda foot massages.
All practices and foods will be inspried by the current lunar phase and turning of the seasons.
We will begin with welcoming address, introducing you to the respect for the feminine body, heart and soul in in the Vedas.
This will be followed by a nourishing Yoga practice of breath, sound, and posture practice to enliven your energy centres and awaken your connection to the subtle body whilst nurturing a loving acceptance of your physical female form.
A delicious seasonal plant based lunch together will follow.
And later enquiry including reflections on long held wounds in the feminine heart, sharing and sacred chant will be followed by an exchange of soothing Ayurveda foot massages using wonderful herbal oils. This part of the day will all form an immersion into the lost (though reviving) tradition of women gathering in circle to nurture and heal other women.
We will close with a guided Yoga nidra to heal the heart, and a healing sacred drumming session given by a guest sacred drummer.
This is a day for you to nurture your whole being – body, heart, mind and soul, with respect for your feminine spirit and female body.
It can be a gentle but deeply healing day, easing long hidden pain.
You will be in the loving and caring company of other women. New bonds are formed and carried beyond the day itself.
PLUS! You will take home a new understanding of how to relate to and respect your female essence through food, breath, meditation, sound and enquiry.
February 8th, Saturday, 11.00 – 4.30pm, Norton Lindsey Village Hall
£75.00 with seasonal Ayurvevda lunch.
“She has the spirit of the sun, the moods of the moon and the will of the wind.”
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