Tratak, is one of the six cleansing practices of Hatha Yoga. In Sanskrit it means “to look” or “to gaze”. It is a technique also used in Ayurveda.
It involves focusing the eyes on an external object, as far as possible without blinking. And alternately closing and opening the eyes, seeing with the inner eyes an impression of the object of focus. Often a black dot on the wall is used. and also a candle. Traditionally a ghee lamp creates the flame, preferred as it is considered auspicious and pure, and a ghee flame gives a soft light especially suited to meditation. A wax candle can also be used. The warm glow of a candle is a soothing and pleasant object of focus.
The benefits of tratak include:
Improved eyesight
Strengthened eyes
Reduced eye strain
Enhanced concentration and memory
Reduced anxiety
Improved sleep
Clearer mind
Improved cognitive functions
Support in brain and eye disorders
The pineal gland is receptive to light and so tratak can cause the pineal gland to produce melatonin which can help with sleep, depression and ageing.
The pineal gland corresponds to the ajna chakra, centre of wisdom and intuition and is said to be activated by the practice of tratak.
To practice Tratak:
Set your gaze on a candle flame, about an arm’s length away from you and at eye level. ithout blinking or moving your eyes.
Keep your gaze soft and relaxed, not forced.
When your eyes get teary or start to smart or ache, gently close your eyes and focus on the afterimage the flame leaves in front of your closed eyes.
Once eyes feel rested, open them and gaze at the candle flame again.
Continue to alternate between open and closed eyes at your own pace.
Pracrice for short periods of times initially, maybe five minutes max.
Initially, your eyes may get tired after just a few seconds. However, with practice, you will find you can slowly increase the amount of time that you can comfortably gaze upon the flame.
It’s not advised to practice tratak for more than 10 minutes at a time.
Do this for a month or so over the dark months if Winter, then take at least a two week break to take care of your eyes.
Avoid if you have cataracts, myopia, glaucoma, astigmatism or epilepsy.
Always consult your doctor before beginning this practice, especially if you have pre-existing conditions.
For more meditations on the light, join me online, weekly on Wednesdays at 7pm from November 27th to December 18th. We will kindle the inner light on these darkest days of the year. PLUS! I am going to give you a bonus Winter Solstice Meditation. If you can’t make the livestreams, I will send you the recording so that you can enjoy the meditations according to your own schedule. BOOK NOW!