About Our Approach To Yoga
Our Yoga style and approach has evolved from Sara’s many years of dedicated personal practice, seeking, teaching and training. It is a traditional approach, honouring Yoga as a spiritual tradition and a path for transformation on the deepest levels of being.
We know that with the right guidance, we can benefit our whole being – body, mind and spirit – through the transformational power of Hatha Yoga.
We remember that the essential purpose and deeper, lasting power of Yoga lies in it’s capacity to effect transformation of heart, mind and spirit.
The White Peacock in our logo symbolises this understanding of Yoga which lies at the heart of all our classes. Yoga is primarily a path of purification of body and mind, which clears the way for us to begin to glimpse and to live from our essential nature and our true and empowered potentiality.
“The White Peacock symbolizes the Divine self-realized. Purified and cleansed, the illuminated soul self is seen”. Gerald Jenkins, photographer.
The benefits to body, and mind are side-benefits of this approach, and we honour these too as no less significant for our capacity to live the life we were born to.
The physical practices of Hatha Yoga, particularly asana (yoga posture) practice dominate much of our modern-day understanding of Yoga and we honour them as bringing much benefit to the body, and on top of that, as devices to by which to reawaken our connection to deeper dimensions of being.
Alongside breath and other Hatha Yoga practices, they can be adapted to restore equilibrium to the body and mind so that the inner light can is revealed – the light of wisdom, compassion, intuition and love.
With this understanding, we guide you to become masterful in the application of the physical practices of Hatha Yoga not as an end in themselves, but for renewed balance in mind, emotios and energy as well as the condition of the physical body.
In our classes, you will learn how to reduce rajas (stimulated states of being), and tamas (inertia and stagnant, clouded states of being), and we cultivate Sattva (harmony, equilbrium, purity, and light) in their place.
Established in this harmony of being or Sattva, we glimpse our essential nature and we meet our limitless potentiality to create, love and evolve.
This is the promise of Hatha Yoga and whether you are a beginner or an advanced practitioner, our Yoga classes will guide you step-by-step towards this life-changing and alchemical application of the teachings and practices of Yoga.
Our classes include:
- posture
- breath
- deep relaxation
- meditation
- mantra (sacred sound)
- mudra (energy seals)
- bandha (energy locks)
- Kriya (purification practices)
The mix of practices depends on the type of imbalance we are looking to redress,or challenges we are working to overcome.
You will learn how to apply the practices to move from both sluggish, dull mental states of being, and agitated and restless states, toward an enlivened, uplifted, yet calm and clear state of being.
Interwoven within our approach, is the wisdom of Ayurveda, especially Ayurveda’s understanding of the cyclical nature of Life and it’s impact upon us.
It means classes are also adapted to the season, the time of day, lunar phase, and overall age-group of the class.
The deeper balance and transformation created in this whole person approach, supports each one of us to rest more and more in the truth of who we really are, in that potentiality, grace and love that we know our selves to be in Essence yet which ordinarly seems so far out of reach.
When we rest in our own Essence, we rest in the sacred, our most joyful, profound, and complete state of being. Here we are healed and transformed.
“Purified and cleansed the illumined soul self is seen.”. Gerald Hopkins, Photographer

“When you catch a glimpse of your potential, that’s when passion is born.”
Zig Ziglar

Sara writes
“I feel honoured to have been taught from the start by teachers who are masters in this field of Yoga and who work for the evolution of the human spirit. They embody the very essence of the Yoga tradition and it’s teachings, and have taught me by example as much as anything.
The fragrance of their teachings moves my heart to share with you, with reverence and gratitude, all that I have received from them..”
In a world where Yoga is so often reduced to a stretch and fitness class, Sara is committed to blending the teachings of her incredible teachers, the classical texts they pointed her towards, and the fruits of her own spiritual travels and practice, to give you this powerful, transformational approach.
Please join us and experience for yourself .
As the teachings tell us….
“An ounce of practice is worth a tonne of theory.”
Please click the button below for the current class schedule and let’s begin practice together!
You can find the full current class schedule and booking links by clicking the BOOK NOW button below.