Heart Of England Ayurveda

An Ayurveda Take On Imbolc, Celtic Celebration of Light, Renewal and Inspiration

As the Wheel of the Year turns, we welcome Imbolc, celebrated  on February 1st to mark the return of light, renewal, inspiration, and the first signs of Spring as we emerge from Winter’s darkness.

Join me for a transformational afternoon online, in the comfort of your home, to honour this ancient celebration of the year’s first seasonal turning point. 

Let’s gather together to align with the messages of this seasonal turning point, awakening the seeds of new beginnings in body, heart and mind – the Ayurveda way!

In this afternoon celebration of Imbolc, we will look to the messages from Mother Nature and the Cosmos as the Wheel turns from Winter towards the approach of Spring.  I will interweave for you the meaning of Imbolc in the Celtic tradition and the profound Ayurvedic perspective on the messages of this point in the year. 

  • Enjoy a guided meditation on the return of the Sun
  • Practice bringing the nurturing light of the Sun into your heart and mind to sustain the spirit of positivity and self-belief as the year unfolds.
  • Identify and plant the seeds of your highest aspiration for the year ahead
  • Water these with specially crafted visualisastion and meditation.
  • Learn about the Ayurveda perspective on this turning point in the year
  • Take away the best ways to adapt your lifestyle and diet, and specific self-care practices to keep you strong, resilient and unburdened of the heaviness of the Winter diet at this time of year. 
  • Prepare your whole being to experience greater vitality, positivity, abundance and contentment through Spring and beyond. 
  1. Yoga mat
  2. Blanket
  3. Meditation Cushion
  4. Candle
  5. Notebook and Pen
  6. Warming cup of herbal tea 🙂

£15.00 per person


Please click the button below to secure your place. On receipt of your payment, I will send you the link to join this online gathering.


Feb 01 2025


2:00 pm - 4:00 pm


Sara Palmer


Sara Palmer

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