My Moon Rituals Programme
Aligning with the lunar phases for your health, vitality and peaceful, purposeful living, with lifestyle, nutrition, yoga, meditation, sacred chant, and special self-care practices.
Imagine if:
- you knew how to align your activities, your nutrition, your Yoga practice and lifestyle with the changing rhythms of the moon in a way which could enhance your health and energy through each month
- you had specific lifestyle and dietary guidelines for key lunar phases to boost your health and well-being, and even to help you resolve female health issues.
- you knew how to align your personal and professional activities each month in ways that would draw on the energy of each lunar phase to bring you a greater sense of support and flow.
- you had access to a meditation practice for each of the eight lunar phases to help cleanse, nourish and recharge body and to focus, clear and revive the mind so that you can be your most effective in any month,
Whether you are wanting to be at your best, focused and aligned for a project in your personal or business life, or whether you are looking to improve and transform your health and vitality, aligning your activities, lifestyle and eating patterns with the changing phases of the moon brings much benefit. You will find greater balance and energy in both body and mind, and a structure which will support success in all your endeavours.
And aligning your activities with the rhythms of the moon can do much to restore balance to your female health, supporting any work you might be doing to relieve symptoms.

“I absolutely loved the new moon day….I felt in such a relaxed, healing state.”
Participant Feedback

Bringing the awareness of the changing phases of the lunar cycles into your daily life, will support you to:
- enjoy a new sense of vitality in your body
- experience clarity and positivity of mind
- know when it is exactly the right time to support your body to rest and rejuvenate
- know when it is exactly the right time to take stock, revaluate and celebrate your milestones
- know the best time when to focus on strengthening any aspect of your life
- move into a new sense of flow and alignment with Life, which will aid you in all your endeavours

“There is a moon inside every human being. Learn to be companions with it.”

Through regular practice of specifc moon phase rituals, we may discover any of the following:
- Greater connection to and awareness of our personal changing female biorhythms.
- Enhanced intuition and sense of Self as we awaken to the feminine heart.
- Better hormonal balance, improved fertility, more regular menstruation, reduced symptoms of menopause
- All round greater health and happiness.
- Enhanced mental clarity, focus, creativity and inspiration.
- A new sense of equilibrium and grounding, carrying us through all our endeavours.

“I liked all of the full moon workshop very much and felt very calm and uplifted afterwards. I liked the physical yoga, the meditation and the teachings”.
Programme participant.

The My Moon Rituals Programme draws on ancient Vedic teachings, and teachings from other wisdom traditions, and shares with you special rituals for the new and full moon, alongside enquiry, meditation, lifestyle and nutritional practices to empower your days throughout each lunar cycle. These ritual prescriptions will bring a greater awareness and focus to the way you live your days each month, lending better self-care for your feminine body, heart and mind as you move in alignment with Mother Moon and join your own biorhythms with those of the Cosmos.
To learn more about the connections between Ayurveda, women and Mother Moon, you might like to read the blog below.

“Moving with the moon is lovely.”
Programme participant.

What’s Included in the Moon Rituals Programme:
- A digital copy of our lunar calendar so that you can easily follow the changing phases through each lunar cycle.
- Lifetime access to 8 pre-recorded Lunar Yoga practices to align you with the energy of each lunar phase
- Lifetime access to 8 pre-recorded Lunar Meditations to support you to draw on the very best for yourself from each lunar phase.
- 8 Lunar Self-enquiry practices, one for each lunar phase to support your physical and mental-emotional well-being. your personal development and to keep you on track whatever your aspirations through each month.
- Lunar self-care guidance, including lifestyle and diet, for the New Moon, Full Moon and Ekadashi (11th day) phases.
- Guidance for carrying out your very own New Moon and Full Moon Rituals,
My Moon Rituals programme runs as a home self-practice programme with written and pre-recorded practices that you can follow according to your own schedule and time zone.
Sara will meet with you in person at New Moon and Full Moon time for special Moon Women’s Circle gatherings. These usually take place in and around Warwickshire but do look out for upcoming Full Moon retreats around the Uk and overseas. These Circle sessions include:
- Enquiry and Sharing
- Lunar Restorative Yoga Classes
- Special Lunar breath and mudra (energy seal) practices.
- Group chanting of special mantras (sacred sounds) for balance and healing.
- Prayer Rituals to align us with the moon phase.
- Lunar Self-Care Tips such as home ritual, lifestyle and diet.
- Sacred Cacao Ceremony.
Please see our CALENDAR for all New and Full Moon Circle dates.
These Circles usually run for about 3 hours on a Saturday or Sunday, and can be booked individually with or without participation on the My Moon Rituals Programme.
£75.00 for lifetime access to the My Moon Rituals programme. Click the Book Now button below,
BOOK onto a New Moon Women’s Circle, £35.00/ 3 hour session.
BOOK onto a Full Moon Women’s Circle, £35.00/3 hour session.

“Amazing full moon retreat…, a full program from dawn to dusk (nearly) going deeply into many aspects of yoga and the divine feminine. Thanks…for all the fun we had, the joy we shared, and the opportunity to deepen our practice.”
Full Moon Retreat participant.