April New Moon Nidra
On the dark nights of the moon, light a candle, roll out your mat and a blanket, and prepare to be gently guided into a deep rest – “nidra” — state.
The time of the new moon is traditionally a time for quite contemplation, introspection and rest. It is a time to slow down, recharge, pause and make space for the insights and inspiration which can carry you into more fulfilled and purposeful days in the weeks ahead.
In this new moon nidra, in deep relaxation, we will uncover and plant the seeds of intention for the coming lunar cycle, and close in offering them up to the Universe in a gesture of trust and faith that forces of benevolence work with us for our own higher good.
Yoga mat
Light cloth to cover the eyes.
Note book and pen
£12.00 per person
Please click HERE to reserve your place.