New Moon Yin Yoga and Yoga Nidra Class
New Moon is the perfect time to slow down, pause and reflect. As one natural (lunar) cycle comes to a close, and a new one begins, we have a chance to reflect, take stock and in doing so perhaps change and aid our destiny.
In the pause, in the introspection that the new moon invites, we can find the answers to our biggest questions about ourselves and our lives, and the people in them. And those answers guide our next steps, in the new cycles that the new moon brings.
When we pause, we replenish body and mind so that we have the energy and clarity of mind, to follow and act upon the insights and knowing that arise in the pause.slowing down and pausing.
Join us this Saturday morning for a special new moon Yin Yoga and Yoga Nidra class.
Yin Yoga will still the mind, and replenish our energy reserves.
Yoga Nidra will include practices to support clear intention setting for the weeks ahead in the new lunar cycle.
Norton Lindsey Village Hall
Saturday Oct 14, 9-10.30am