Heart Of England Ayurveda

Ayurveda Digestive Reset Online Programme

A Seasonal Group Programme Online and at Home, To Relieve Symptoms, Build Strength and Resilience, and Support  Lasting Health


In Ayurveda, the seat of good health lies in the digestive system which is why Ayurveda recommends that we regularly take time out to reset our digestive system.

Do you frequently experience:

  • Bloating and gas
  • Nausea or heaviness after eating
  • Cramping and/or burning sensations in your gut
  • Indigestion and heartburn
  • Fatigue after eating
  • Fatigue on waking
  • Bad breath and/or a bad taste in the mouth
  • Skin rashes or blemishes.
  • Food intolerances
  • Intermittent, unexplained aching joints
  • Headaches and/or brain fog
  • Period pains and other menstrual problems

Taking time out to reset your digestive system can go a long way towards relieving symptoms, giving a great kick-start to your health, restoring inner balance, and boosting your strength and vitality.

Even if you are well, and do not experience symptoms, Ayurveda recommends regularly taking time out to reset your digestive system as a powerful investment in your ongoing health and longevity.

To find out more about the importance of the digestive system in Ayurveda, and the benefits of digestive resets, you might like to read the blog I wrote on this very subject. Just click on the button below for access.

“I’m feeling so much better and more energised….I feel reset and I’m looking forward to incorporating the practices and Ayurveda into my daily life”.

Cleanse programme participant.

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The 3 or 4-Day Seasonal Ayurveda Digestive Reset Programmes are designed to support your on going health and wellbeing in a tried and tested way, from the comfort of your own home, and with ongoing group support. 

The  programme runs online over a weekend and includes:

  • A preliminary consultation
  • Herbal prescriptions to support the cleanse and reset process.
  • Tasty cleanse and rejuvenate recipes
  • Special cleansing teas
  • Daily livestream Yoga posture, breath and meditation sessions. Recordings available if you can’t join the livestreams. 
  • Talks on self care practices which can be continued long after the programme has finished.
  • Ongoing support over the weekend via a WhatsApp group so that you can ask your questions, share your experiences and draw on support from other Reset participants.
  • A talk to guide you to build ongoing resilience after the programme has ended. 

This programme will help to:

  • give your digestive system a much needed rest so that it can begin to cleanse itself
  • re-kindle your digestive fire to help eliminate toxins
  • relieve digestive and other symptoms
  • boost digestive function and assimilation of nutrients
  • improve elimination
  • ease symptoms of inflammation, fatigue, sluggishness, aches and pains.
  • remove excess dosha from the previous season and current seasonal juncture
  • support immunity
  • boost vitality

Reported benefits from past participants include:

  • Greater vitality
  • Better sleep
  • Enhanced skin tone
  • Weignt loss
  • Reduced cravings
  • Better mood and focus


“I’m Andreea, a busy mom of two trying to balance looking after self with demands of work and family life. I thought everything was all going well until my body started to give me signals to say things need to change.
I have enjoyed Sara’s classes for years and I knew s
he was passionate about Ayurveda, so I decided to ask her for help.

I came across the Digestive Reset programme online and it sounded promising, so why not give it a go?

During the initial consultation I was surprised to see how well Shama applied her ayurveda knowledge to identify root causes for my ailments. She prescribed a personal combination of herbs that I was to use during the digestive reset.

I did not start straight away. I waited until I found space in my life to fit the four days and gradually reduce caffeine, sugar and alcohol.

The first day was the most challenging because of the change to the system, but to my pleasant surprise from the second day onwards, I felt full of energy and very focused. During the next three days I have continued with the diet, easing gradually afterwards into the new normal.

The reset helped me reduce excess weight (2 to 3 kilos!!!) and toxins and improved my skin, reduced cravings.

I now do not snack between meals and no longer crave fatty foods like cheese and butter. I also have reduced caffeine and sugars.

I would definitely do the digestive reset again. Can do with reducing even more weight, but also making sure that my body gets a bit of a boost your eliminating waste.

I wholeheartedly recommend the digestive reset. It’s 3 to 4 days for your long term health, you may lose weight but gain great new habits. some good practices to continue.”

A Platts, Past Reset Particpant


The ideal time to do a digestive reset is said to be during seasonal junctures, as our bodies are affected by seasonal changes.

Upcoming dates are:

Jan 31 – Feb 2

Mar 21 -23

Sep 19 – 21


Please contact us to arrange a preliminary chat to see if the programme is suitable for your needs and I can then book you in for a preliminary consultation,  taking into account your preferred dates for beginning the programme. 

It is recommended to have the consultation at least one week before the reset programme begins so that you can buy the reommended foods and herbs you are going to need. 

It is £210.00 for the reset programme, plus the recommended foods and herbs for your Ayurveda type. 

“Every human being is the author of his own health or disease.”

The Buddha

What happens once I have booked the programme? 

Once you have booked and paid for your Digestive Reset Programme, you will receive a Consultation form and an Ayurveda Type Questionnaire to complete and return to me by email. 

We will then schedule your preliminary Ayurveda Consultation at this time, so that I can adapt the programme according to your personal needs and constitutional type. 

You will then receive:

  • A  shopping list to ensure that you have all the necessary ingredients for the programme.
  • A suggested daily schedule
  • Reset recipes and all Reset programme protocols
  • Links for the Digestive Reset Yoga Classes and healing meditation livestreams/recordings.
  • Following the programme you may like to book a follow on consultation so we can put a longer term programme together to help you keep a balanced nutrition and lifestyle routine in the months ahead.

If you are still uncertain whether the programme is for you, please book a discovery call and we can have a 15 minute chat about this