In Ayurveda, the seat of good health lies in the digestive system which is why Ayurveda recommends that we regularly take time out to reset our digestive system.
Do you frequently experience:
- Bloating and gas
- Nausea or heaviness after eating
- Cramping and/or burning sensations in your gut
- Indigestion and heartburn
- Fatigue after eating
- Fatigue on waking
- Bad breath and/or a bad taste in the mouth
- Skin rashes or blemishes.
- Food intolerances
- Intermittent, unexplained aching joints
- Headaches and/or brain fog
- Period pains and other menstrual problems
Taking time out to reset your digestive system can go a long way towards relieving symptoms, giving a great kick-start to your health, restoring inner balance, and boosting your strength and vitality.
Even if you are well, and do not experience symptoms, Ayurveda recommends regularly taking time out to reset your digestive system as a powerful investiment in your ongoing health and longevity.
To find out more about the importance of the digestive system in Ayurveda, and the benefits of digestive resets plus more upcoming dates, please click here.
£125.00 for four day programme, with recipes, herbs, talks, yoga and yoga nidra and guided meditation practices.