Heart Of England Ayurveda


On this full moon day, we will gather in circle to honour Mother Moon, drawing on her medicine as we align ourselves with her fullness.

We have been meeting regularly throughout the year, and our gatherings are proving to be more and more powerful, transformational, insightful and heart-warming.

It’s a wonderful way to spend time in communion with other women.

On this November Full Moon, will you join us for:

*inner enquiry and sharing based on the astrology of the full moon for positive insights and inspiration

*renewed clarity, allowing you to discern what you will nurture more of and what it is time to release as we enter the second half of the lunar cycle.

*special full moon breath practices to rejuvenate the feminine body and spirit.

*guided transformational full moon visualisation/meditation

*cacao ceremony, to relax, soothe and nourish body, heart and soul.

*dancing meditation with uplifting special music

*small fire ritual to release what’s we are ready to let go of and to seal intentions for the weeks ahead.


Cost: £35.00



Nov 06 2022


10:00 am - 1:00 pm


Lifeways Therapy Centre
30 Albany Rd Stratford Upon Avon CV37 6PG

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